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📂 Data

1. CSV from Google sheets & Google Form

  • shiny.likert was developed in consideration of Google Sheets. However, accessing sheet using googlesheets4 package requires some Auth problem which may induce security problem.
  • So, shiny.likert accepts CSV file (downloaded)

You can check pre-built form and it’s data.(download it)

This data is consisted with 3 columns.

  1. Timestamp (When user submited survey)
  2. Multiple choice question (from Strongly agree to Strongly disagree)

2. Example data from likert package

Since shiny.likert utilize likert package, you can use this data as tutorial. but still you should save it as csv file.

#> Loading required package: ggplot2
#> Loading required package: xtable
write.csv(pisaitems[,2:5], file = 'pisaitems.csv', row.names = FALSE)

Since full dataset of pisaitem has large size (for shinyapps) we’ll only try for some column

🕹️ Run application


shiny.likert() # Run shiny application

With this code, you can run shiny application.

If you run this in browser like chrome (rathen than rstudio viewer), UI layout will be little better (shiny.likert developed in chrome environment)

Below is step to generate likert chart.

  1. Upload your csv file
  2. Select column to visualize
  • NOTE You should select columns with same range variable.
  • For example, column 1 consisted with A ~ E, and column 2 is consisted with Good ~ Bad you can only select one of them. or app will not work properly
  1. Order the variables, (Bad option goes into Top)
  2. Draw button
  3. Customize chart options.
  4. Save the image